Friday, September 6, 2019


Axone (otherwise called akhuni) is utilized by pretty much every family in Nagaland. It comes in powdered structure and cake structure. There are numerous utilizations for these aged soyabeans some significant and mainstream ones are: It is utilized alongside vegetables for making stew above all used to make chutney. Each family unit's preferred dishes with Axone are: Smoked pork in Axone, Dried stream fish with Axone, Dried meat with Axone


EROMBA is loved dish among the Manipuris. Their food quite often incorporates a sort of fish called Ngari. Eromba is set up by heating up a huge amount of vegetables alongside some aged fish. It is blended until the surface winds up like a glue. At long last, it is decorated with maroi and a sprinkle of coriander leaves.


Bamboo Shoots is one of their preferred dishes and you can have it in numerous styles, however Khasi individuals love to have it with slight lumps of pork. Right off the bat, marinate the pork with soy sauce, at that point fry the marinated pork. When it gets somewhat dark colored in shading, include veggies. After some time include bamboo shoots. Pour some cut onions and flavors, not overlooking the salt. Cook till you like the shading and fragrance.

Doh-Khlieh/A Wild Cuisine of Meghlaya

A healthy feast that is solid simultaneously – Doh Khlieh is a delectable plate of mixed greens made out of minced pork, onions and chillies. On the off chance that you are in the mind-set for some combination sustenance, a few spots dish up Doh-Khlieh with a Mexican touch by including beans, tomatoes, carrots and lemons. It is additionally some of the time cooked as a curry of pig cerebrums and eaten with bread – this rendition isn't for the timid. One of the extraordinary dishes for those brave enough to attempt the wild side of Meghalayan cooking.


In Khasi language, 'Ja' signifies rice and 'Doh' signifies meat. ... Jadoh for a Khasi resembles biryani for a North Indian, with rice cooked with meat. ... Pork or chicken blood is included while cooking adding an unmistakable metallic taste to the rice

Jadoh is an extremely mainstream dish among the Khasi people group of Meghalaya. It is particularly appealing a result of its rich and one of a kind shading. Jadoh is fundamentally red rice, cooked with liberal measures of pork meat. Here and there, it is additionally cooked with chicken or fish. A blend of green chillies, onions, ginger, turmeric, dark pepper and cove leaves is made, at that point bits of pork are included and seared off, after which the red rice is included and cooked off. The expansion of turmeric gives the rice its rich yellow shading and a fragrant flavor. For those eager to be increasingly audacious, Jadoh can likewise be cooked in pork blood. On the off chance that you adore pork, this is a dish not to be missed.

Napham-A Traditional cuisine of Bodo Tribe

Most popular fermented dish of Bodo people is Napham – it is made by grinding smoked fish, specific leafy vegetables,masala powder. This mixture is aged in a scaled bamboo cylinder. The process of fermentation is similar for vegetables and meat. I am glad this traditional method of stocking up is still in practice.


COW’S BLOOD WITH MILK: The blood is taken from the cow and then stirred rapidly to separate the coagulation. Fresh milk is also added to prevent clotting. It is then poured into cups and served as a complete meal.

PORRIDGE: The milk is also used to make porridge. The flour is mixed with milk in bowl. Some water is brought to a boil in a sufuria and the mixture is added while stirring continuously as it boils.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


RAW BLOOD AND KIDNEY: The goat is slaughtered and the blood is collected in a sufuria. This is drank fresh. Cuts like the kidney are also eaten raw.

GOAT ROAST: The legs are skewered on makeshift spears, and are roasted upright around a central fire. Once ready, this will be cut in front of everyone and passed around the circle.
BLOOD SOUP: The soup is made using herbs to cleanse the system. The intestines are boiled then fried in their own fat, and is then served. The liver is also roasted medium-rare and passed around in the circle until it is gone.


BAKAR BATU :In this method of cooking , the Dani tribe build a large fire pit using stones, logs and straw. Put the pig on the fire to singe off it’s fur. After fur is completely removed, cut the pig in half, removing the organs and intestines. Dig a big hole and fill it with large banana leaves. Place one layer of hot stones over the leaves. Place different leaves and straw on top of the stones. Add all of the vegetables - red fruit, cassava, sweet potato. The vegetables will start to be above ground, so simultaneously wrap the earth oven with leaves and straw and secure with ropes (rotan from the forest) to hold everything in. Place another layer of stones on top of vegetables. Place the pig on top of the stones and then fully wrap and secure with rotan. Allow to cook for 1.5-2 hours.
TAWI : Dani tribes generally splits the red fruit in half and pull out or remove all the seeds and mix with water to create a thicker consistency or a paste. One may call it the dessert of the tribe after a heavy meal .

KOROWAI TRIBE-The tree people of PAPUA

NIBUN: The Korowai People cut down wild palm tree and scoop out white liquid in the middle.

SAGO GRUB & BEATLES: The tribe retrieve food item from dead sago tree. Grill sago grubs and beetles on open fire.

 SAGO GRUB(The Korowai Pizza): Lay out grata leaves. Spread dried sago into a circle. Spread pica into a circle on top of sago. Place ripped up jo (fern) on top of both. Sprinkle more of the pica on top of jo. Rip heads off grubs and split in half. Then throw them on top of powders and fern. Add more fern. Add more pica on top. Wrap in grata leaves, placing hot stones in the leaves and bundle it all together, tying it with twine. Place on the fire with stone on top. Allow it to cook for around half an hour before eating .

RIVER FISH: Lay out grata leaf and spread pica over it. Lay river fish in the middle. Fold up and secure with twine. Place on fire with hot stones and allow to cook it thoroughly . 
SAGO GRUBS with PICA(a type of edible clay materials): Spread pica in a leaf. Rip sago grubs in half and place on top of pica. Place more pica on top. Wrap up and place on fire until cooked.